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Man on a Vespa, aged 74, causes accident while intoxicated on the L440

On Friday afternoon, a severe car crash took place on country road 440 near Lochmühle, resulting in a 74-year-old Vespa rider sustaining serious injuries.

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Eigeltingen - A town in Germany - Man on a Vespa, aged 74, causes accident while intoxicated on the L440

Around 12:50 pm, a man driving on the L440 from Guggenhausen towards Eigeltingen had a mysterious crash near the junction with Lochmühle. After skidding around 20 meters, his Vespa stopped on the verge with him lying unresponsive inside. Emergency responders transported him to a nearby hospital. Given the strong odor of alcohol emitting from him, police have obtained a blood sample.

Authorities are asking anyone who witnessed the accident to reach out to the Stockach Police Station at 07771/93910.

This text was produced with the assistance of AI and refers to information provided by official sources.

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