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Man Exposes Himself at Schillerplatz (28 Years Old)

At approximately 4 p.m. on Monday, a man grabbed attention on Mainz's Schillerplatz by exposing himself and touching his genitals while wearing pants.


Mainz's focal point - Man Exposes Himself at Schillerplatz (28 Years Old)

Onlookers recounted the happenings, prompting authorities to send officers swiftly to the area. When they got there, the 28-year-old homeless dude still had his trousers around his thighs, with his privates on display. It wasn't until he spotted the cops that he finally yanked up his pants and covered himself.

The guy headed to the Altstadtrevier for ID verification. The authorities handled their usual procedures, including a reminder about being decent in public places, before letting him go. He may be facing a misdemeanor for indecent exposure soon.

People who saw the incident are encouraged to contact the Mainz 1 Police Station at 06131/65-4110 or email [email protected].

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