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Man attacks pedestrians with a slingshot

In Ludwig-Reinhard-Straße, Boizenburg (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), two children aged 10 and 14 as well as an 87-year-old pensioner reportedly sustained injuries from bullet wounds in their legs and buttocks on Thursday evening. The police were notified.

The police seized these rifles and bullets from the man
The police seized these rifles and bullets from the man

**ThREE PEOPLE HURT** with ages 10, 14, and 87. - Man attacks pedestrians with a slingshot

Hiding and attacking people who passed by, a 46-year-old man from Boizenburg (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) used a slingshot. Although the injuries were minor and none sought medical aid, he was caught.

With two slingshots and matching, small projectiles (metal balls), the police visited the suspect's apartment. Initially, they were denied any wrongdoing by the man. But during the search, they found these weapons and ammunition.

With a claim of drinking three beers, the German man tried to defend himself. However, he refused a breathalyzer test. So, a blood test was arranged. Under investigation now is dangerous bodily harm.

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