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Man attacks Green Party representative in Göttingen.

A bystander verbally attacks the Green Party and later assaults a female politician, resulting in minor injuries for Marie Kollenrott. Authorities apprehend the perpetrator who has previously been involved in similar incidents.

Green politician Marie Kollenrott was attacked in Göttingen
Green politician Marie Kollenrott was attacked in Göttingen

The German state of Lower Saxony ... - Man attacks Green Party representative in Göttingen.

Marie Kollenrott, a Green Party member currently serving in the lower Saxony state parliament, allegedly suffered minor injuries after an encounter with a man in Gottigen's city center on Saturday. The violent altercation occurred during an election campaign event near the Old Town Hall. The incident was reported by police shortly after it happened, who then quickly apprehended the suspect in question.

Apparently, this individual had previously made derogatory comments about Kollenrott's political affiliation with the Green Party. The verbal banter eventually devolved into a physical confrontation, as the man stormed up to her and struck her in the upper body several times. The 66-year-old legislator managed to excite minor wounds to her arms.

Similar occurrences have happened recently

These sorts of incidents are not uncommon these days, with numerous politicians becoming targets for violent habits. At the beginning of October, Matthias Ecke, an SPD representative from Saxony, was severely beaten in Dresden. Before that, rumors circulated about a 28-year-old Green Party supporter being attacked while placing election posters.

Chaos nearly engulfed Berlin's SPD Senator for Economic Affairs, Franziska Giffey, who sustained light wounds from a vicious attack using a bag. In Dresden, Green Party officials and supporters faced harsh verbal and physical mistreatment, similar to what happened in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania where an AfD legislator was physically assaulted.

Politicians and political supporters across Germany are facing rising election-related violence, with many at risk during their campaigns.

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