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Man (29) sustains severe injuries in frontal crash

On Friday (10.05.) at 5.05 pm in Uttrichshausen, a traffic accident saw two individuals sustain injuries and result in 17,500 euros' worth of property damage.

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House in Uttrichs - Man (29) sustains severe injuries in frontal crash

There was a crash at the crossroads of routes 3207 and 3430. An 18-year-old guy, hailing from Lahn-Dill, was driving a VW EOS Cabrio on 3207, heading to Uttrichshausen. As he was crossing the intersection, he failed to notice a 29-year-old man's VW Golf, hailing from Motten, coming the other way. This led to a front-on collision.

The driver of the Golf sustained severe but not life-threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital as a precaution. The 18-year-old at fault was unharmed, but his 15-year-old passenger from Kalbach suffered minor injuries. Both vehicles were so damaged that they had to be towed away. The accident scene was shut down for nearly 90 minutes.

This text is based on official details provided by the authorities, and was crafted aided by AI.

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