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Magnificent movies and enormous coats.

Will Smith (55) and Martin Lawrence (59) attended the European premiere of their movie "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" in Berlin on Monday, drawing attention with their star power.

Hollywood-Star Will Smith kam zur Europapremiere seines neuen Films „Bad Boys: Ride or Die“. Der...
Hollywood-Star Will Smith kam zur Europapremiere seines neuen Films „Bad Boys: Ride or Die“. Der Schauspieler trägt ein lässiges Sakko in Übergröße

Berlin hosts Will Smith's premiere event. - Magnificent movies and enormous coats.

People were ecstatic and had been patiently waiting in front of the premiere's Red Carpet. An individual with a striking XXL jacket caught everyone's attention. Smith reveled in the crowd's enthusiasm, showering love on his fans.

Ever since the infamous Oscar altercation in 2022, Smith has been staying away from the spotlight. He seemed to be particularly invested in signing autographs in Berlin, spending more time with the fans than the waiting media.

To begin with, they headed to a private VIP room laden with treatments for the anticipating attendees. The violators of norms, the Bad Boys, however, were in no mood to linger in such a space. So they decided to take the party into the theatre.

Will Smith und Martin Lawrence ließen sich bei der „Bad Boy“-Premiere in Berlin bejubeln

The directors of the fourth part - Adil El Arbi aged 35 and Bilall Fallah aged 38, both graced the occasion. Their unbridled enthusiasm for the welcoming public was admirable.

A glimpse into the story of "Bad Boys: Ride or Die"

Will Smith genoss sichtlich den Jubel der Fans

Our favorite bad guys return to reclaim their spots on the mean streets of Miami as law enforcers in the fourth installment of the tremendous action-humor series, Bad Boys.

This time, these infamous cops find themselves at the wrong end of the law and are considered public enemies. Bad Boys aficionados will be served with the customary action sequences and comic relief.

Die beiden Stars und ihre Regisseure: Bilall Fallah, Will Smith, Martin Lawrence and Adil El Arbi (v.l.)

The original mismatched cop duo of Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett has been around since 1995, starring in a total of four movies. "Ride or Die" will enter German cinemas on the 5th of June.

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