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Local governments can electronically file for storm surge assistance.

After the Baltic storm surge in October, officials in Schleswig-Holstein are now able to request assistance from the state. A necessary form for this purpose has been online since Tuesday, according to State Secretary for Economic Affairs Julia Carstens (CDU) from Kiel. This form can be found...

Julia Carstens (CDU), State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Labor,...
Julia Carstens (CDU), State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism in Schleswig-Holstein, stands at a

Deputy Minister of Economy: - Local governments can electronically file for storm surge assistance.

After the Baltic storm surge in October, officials in Schleswig-Holstein can seek financial assistance from the state. The necessary form for this purpose has been online since Tuesday and was announced by State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Julia Carstens (CDU), in Kiel. Interested parties can find and fill out the form on the Investitionsbank website.

"Through this program, we are assisting in the repair of tourist infrastructure and damages in municipal commercial ports, amongst other things," mentioned Carstens. Along with the municipal state associations, the state is offering 140 million euros for reconstructing municipal infrastructure, like harbors, beaches, and promenades.

As per the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the deadline for submission of applications is October 30 of the current year, with the completion of the projects needing to be finished by the end of 2030 at the latest. Generally, the funding rate is 75 percent. "We have authorized an early start to measures throughout, ensuring those affected do not have to wait for renovations or sand refilling," expressed Carstens. No applications from Schleswig-Holstein have been received by the Investment Bank as of this moment.

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