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Live cat skinning observed in Munich.

Disturbing images of a brutally murdered cat have left animal rights advocates in shock, prompting them to seek assistance from potential witnesses. If anyone has information regarding the perpetrator(s) or is missing their cat, they are urged to step forward.

Tierschützerin Jessy M. (40), hier mit ihrer eigenen Katze, fand das tote Tier und sucht jetzt...
Tierschützerin Jessy M. (40), hier mit ihrer eigenen Katze, fand das tote Tier und sucht jetzt Zeugen für die unglaubliche Tierquälerei

Cash incentive of 1000 euros for tips. - Live cat skinning observed in Munich.

The Issue: During Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, an animal rights activist named Jessy M. (40) was summoned by the cops to a mistreated feline on Englschalkinger Street in Munich. The poor critter's fur was ripped off from its head, its left front paw was fractured, and the paw was hacked off.

Pondering the wrongdoer's identity, Jessy was heartbroken when informed about the tragedy. "The view was horrific. Unkind, reflecting upon the agony inflicted on the poor cat," she sobbed.

To closely resemble a British Shorthair, this cat was roughly two to four years old, possessing reddish-orange spots on its head and neck, white paws, and orange spots on its right front paw with tiger stripes.

May 19th between 4:00 to 6:55 p.m., Jessy is seeking witnesses: Did you notice something on Englschalkinger Street? She's asking for any details that may have been overlooked. Email your information to [email protected].

Numerous filings for animal cruelty have been made with the police. Equally, Peta, the animal rights organization, has accepted tips at Tel. 0711/8605910, aiming for a reward of 1000 euros for those who can provide tips that lead to the seizure of the culprits.

Their explanation: "We are encountering severely malevolent perpetrators in this matter, apparently enjoying the suffering of a conscious creature," continues Peta. "Immediate arrest of said culprits is necessary to arrest them before more creatures or people are harmed. Those who abuse animals might not hesitate harming humans."

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