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LED BMW suffers harm in Rewe's lot.

A BMW 4 Series Coupé with a green color was harmed in the Rewe parking lot at Heinrichstraße 52 in Darmstadt on May 11, 2024, during the time frame of 2:30 and 2:45 p.m.

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Heinrich Street, Darmstadt: This refers to a location in the German city of Darmstadt, specifically mentioning Heinrich Street. - LED BMW suffers harm in Rewe's lot.

The individual responsible for the collision didn't bother to address the resulting damage before leaving the scene.

Those with knowledge of the events leading up to the mishap or the person involved are urged to reach out to the 2nd police station in Darmstadt at 06151-969 41210.

This content is derived from official information disseminated by the authorities and was crafted using AI assistance.

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