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Law enforcement holds a fowl temporarily during night hours.

Bizarre birds were detained in the holding cell of the police station in Alfeld, Hildesheim, overnight. Chickens, however, were not. This changed when an unusual event occurred on Wednesday night.

The rescued chicken in the custody cell
The rescued chicken in the custody cell

A gratitude gift in the form of an egg. - Law enforcement holds a fowl temporarily during night hours.

During their patrol, law enforcement officials stumbled upon a chicken hiding on the roadside in the darkness. She was scared and hesitant to move, potentially causing a collision with a vehicle. To ensure her safety, they gathered her and brought her to the station.

In order to make her feel more at ease, they spread out newspapers and placed a small bowl of food for her.

The brown laying hen was incredibly grateful for the officers' kindness: the following day, they discovered an egg, freshly laid in the cell as their gift.

The hen's owner has since been found and notified. He has since retrieved his fleeing fowl.

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