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Landslide submerges Thuringian village.

due to torrential downpours amounting to more than 50 liters per square meter, a street in Förtha, Wartburg region was engulfed in floodwater on the 22nd of May; a deluge occurred within the community.

Completely flooded: Mudslide in the village of Förtha in the Thuringian Forest
Completely flooded: Mudslide in the village of Förtha in the Thuringian Forest

Following significant rainfall. - Landslide submerges Thuringian village.

In Fortha, Thuringia, the mud piled up nearly a meter high.

An entire squad of firefighters was dispatched, all armed with brooms and shovels. These helpers worked tirelessly to rid the medieval village near Eisenach, part of the Thuringian Forest and home to close to 800 residents, of the muddy masses. The area's proximity to the Elte river contributed to the calamity.

A local farm was also impacted, requiring manual labor from excavators and wheelbarrows to clear the debris. The firefighters diligently flushed the site for hours on end.

Helpers shovel mud from the road

More heavy rains are expected across central Germany.

Viscous sludge by the wheelbarrowful

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