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Kids steal Til's cell phone from him.

Concerns grow over Germany's premier movie actor Til Schweiger (60, "Manta Manta - Part Two"). Reports reveal that Schweiger's friends have been expressing anxiety about his declining health for several days due to his increasing medical records. (BILD)

The next bad news: after the sepsis drama in April, Til Schweiger is now to be treated in a Berlin...
The next bad news: after the sepsis drama in April, Til Schweiger is now to be treated in a Berlin clinic

Schweiger hospitalized - Kids steal Til's cell phone from him.

Reason for his unavailability makes sense as his phone has been switched off for a week and that's a rare scenario for this busy filmmaker.

Setting the pace for a fast life

His life at a breakneck speed is beginning to cause physical harm. Since April, the beloved actor ("The Moving Man") has been dealing with health issues. Initially, he battled a life-threatening condition called sepsis (blood poisoning). Ten days ago, it was disclosed that he'd go through a heart procedure!

What's the cause for this sudden heart operation? It's said to be the result of his long-term smoking habit, according to friends.

March 2023: Til Schweiger and Tina Ruland at the premiere of the movie

His family's influence on the movie star's life

Now, he has to focus on his hospital bed once again! His leg, which is still recovering, is reportedly the cause for this current hospital stay, according to sources.

His cell phone is his constant companion: Til Schweiger leaving a clinic in Palma (Mallorca) six weeks ago. He had to be given antibiotic infusions to treat his blood poisoning
Til's daughters are now standing by their father: Schweiger with Luna (l.) and Emma (r.) in January at his documentary premiere about boxer Graciano Rocchigiani in Berlin

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