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Italy sends troublesome bear to Thuringia. Italy transports difficult bear to Thuringia region. Italian authorities relocate problematic bear to Thuringia. Italian officials transport challenging bear to Thuringia.

Thuringia will soon have another brown issue: the problem bear JJ4 is expected to be deported to a bear sanctuary in Germany in the coming months, according to Italian media reports.

The problem bear Gaia killed a jogger in April 2023, was then captured alive
The problem bear Gaia killed a jogger in April 2023, was then captured alive

Gaia ended the life of a runner. - Italy sends troublesome bear to Thuringia. Italy transports difficult bear to Thuringia region. Italian authorities relocate problematic bear to Thuringia. Italian officials transport challenging bear to Thuringia.

In April 2023, JJ4, also known as Gaia, caused tension in the northern Italian region of Trentino. Near Trento, Gaia had fatally assaulted jogger Andrea Papi (26). Roberto Failoni, the responsible assessor, informed "Corriere del Trentino" on Tuesday that Gaia's relocation would be finished by autumn. Her new home: the Worbis Alternative Bear Park, which shelters bears, wolves, and other wild animals.

Following this incident, there were intense debates in Italy regarding Gaia's future. After regional president Maurizio Fugatti's administration had endorsed the decision to shoot the bear, animal rights activists intervened in court to save her.

The courts halted the decree in response to the activists' urgent requests, and JJ4 was eventually caught alive. She was temporarily relocated to an enclosure near Trento. Since then, Italians have been fiercely discussing coexisting with bears in the forested region, an area frequented by tourists and hikers.

Failoni mentioned that the provincial council would convene at the end of May to make a final decision. The relocation process is expected to last around four to five months, during which the enclosure would need to be adapted.

The province has been in talks with German authorities for some time regarding this matter. Once they are prepared, they plan to cooperate with the Worbis Alternative Bear and Wolf Park to send the bear there, ensuring her well-being throughout the process.

According to the website of the Worbis Alternative Bear Park, there are currently nine other bears in Germany. There is also a branch in the Black Forest, and Jurka, Gaia's mother, has been living there since 2010.

Andrea Papi didn't stand a chance

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