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Is Wilders causing the EU to explode?

The Netherlands introduces tougher measures on immigration following the unexpected election win of far-right leader Geert Wilders (60), leading to a new administration.

Geert Wilders proposes a tough asylum program for the Netherlands
Geert Wilders proposes a tough asylum program for the Netherlands

Significant shift in asylum policy worries German politicians - Is Wilders causing the EU to explode?

The identity of the upcoming head of the Dutch government remains undetermined. Wilders resigned from his post to initiate a center-right alliance of four parties. What is certain, though, is the plan for the most stringent asylum policy ever in the Netherlands, as declared by Wilders.

What are Wilders' intentions? And what implications does this hold for Germany?

The coalition aims to make their country less inviting for migrants and is considering a two-year "emergency law" for the migration crisis. Their plans include:

  • Strictest deportation measures ("even by force").
  • Halting the consideration of new asylum applications.
  • Asylum seekers finding it more challenging to secure social housing.
  • Also, "irregular migrants encountered at land border controls will be instantly returned to Germany and Belgium."

Yet, Wilders has deeper intentions: disengaging from European asylum and migration policy! Holland should not be subject to EU regulations.

Can he execute this? Disregard EU rules?

Wilders can only leave the migration policy if other EU nations permit him to do so. If he defies the rules, he could face legal challenges and significant fines.

In essence: there's the potential for a gigantic conflict with Brussels and the other EU members!

Andrea Lindholz (53, CSU), the CDU/CSU parliamentary group's deputy leader, cautions the Wilders government to devise "its tightening of the rules at the expense of the other EU nations." This act is "not acceptable." Germany had "nearly double the number of asylum applications" per capita in 2023.

CAN Germany implement an asylum shift?

Nonetheless, a key aspect won't change: "Legally, it will continue to be the case that people politically persecuted, refugees fleeing civil wars, or those facing a direct danger to life and limb must be protected in Germany."

However, other aspects of Dutch migration and asylum policy, such as increased deportations, could also be operational in Germany - without any amendment to the law.

In essence: "The so-called pull factors are minimized, and deportations are carried out consistently." Nonetheless, it also means that migrants facing deportation in the Netherlands will likely arrive in Germany. Consequently, he urges "intensified border surveillance at the German-Dutch border."

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