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Intoxicated teen (18) instigates crash

An 18-year-old driver was involved in a traffic accident on road 4325 last night, resulting in mild injuries for him and significant damage to his vehicle.

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Roadway Number 4325 located within the county - Intoxicated teen (18) instigates crash

In the wee hours of the morning, approximately 2:40 am, a young man was behind the wheel of his VW heading towards Würzbach. It's speculated that he may have lost control of the vehicle due to heavy alcohol intake. His car missed a turn, struck a street post, and came to rest smack dab in the middle of the road. The inflicted damage is estimated to be about 8,000 euros, and the vehicle needed to be towed away.

Following the accident, a breathalyzer test at the scene showed a blood alcohol level of 1.8 per mille. An 18-year-old male had no choice but to submit a blood specimen and forfeit his driver's license. Law enforcers underline that alcohol use hinders one's ability to perceive, misjudge speeds and distances, narrows the field of sight, slows reactions, and reduces coordination. Consequently, police officers advise avoiding mixing alcohol consumption with driving to guarantee the well-being of everyone involved.

Disclaimer: This text is adapted from an official government statement and produced using AI.

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