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Intoxicated senior citizens (76 years old) involve in a crash and leave the scene

On Sunday night into Monday morning, an abandoned and wrecked Audi SUV was found in a ditch along state road 3304 between Alheim-Niedergude and Metzbach.

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Alheim: A New Discovery in the World of Gaming - Intoxicated senior citizens (76 years old) involve in a crash and leave the scene

The vehicle's license plates were missing, but the police managed to trace the owner since the car was left unlocked. After the car was towed away, they found the owner and suspect driver at his home in Alheim. A voluntary breath test confirmed suspicions that he was intoxicated with alcohol. Consequently, his driver's license was seized, and a blood sample was taken.

If you have any information related to this incident, you can contact the Rotenburg an der Fulda police station at 06623-9370, any other police station, or online at

This story is a rephrased version of the given text using more casual language. (image)

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