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Intense hatred erupts in Germany.

Numerous statistics on politically motivated crimes will be presented by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (age 53, SPD) today. According to the data, there has been an alarming increase in hatred in Germany.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD)
Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD)

Crime with a political motive is increasingly prevalent. - Intense hatred erupts in Germany.

There are two main sources of violence: right-wing extremists and those driven by religious or foreign ideologies.

A whopping 28,945 right-wing extremist offences

The largest category of offenses comes from the right-wing extremists. The number of these offences had increased by 23% from 23,493 cases to 28,945. More than half of these were 'propaganda offences' such as celebrating the Nazi dictatorship or displaying swastikas. This also includes inciting hatred (5,367 cases), making insults (2,770), and issuing threats (598). The incidence of assaults by right-wing extremists had also gone up by nearly 11% to 1,123 incidents.

On the other hand, left-wing extremist violence had also seen a rise of 11.5% to 7,777 incidents. While the number of left-wing crimes is significantly less than right-wing offences, the left-wing instigators were more frequently caught in cases of property damage. A total of 9,304 cases of property damage were recorded, with nearly 4,000 of these attributed to the radical left-wing groups.

Meanwhile, individuals were less frequently physically attacked by left-wing extremists (374 offences, a decrease of 11%).

A 200% jump in religiously motivated crimes

There has been a drastic surge in religious-inspired offences - an increase of 203%! However, the overall number of religiously-motivated offences is still lower compared to other groups. The number of crimes linked to foreign ideologies rose by 33% to 5,170 in 2023 (2022: 3,886).

Be particularly aware of the significant increase in Islamism-related violence and crimes in response to Hamas' attack on Israel. The Federal Criminal Police Office recorded 4,369 such crimes in 2023 (2022: just 61)! Of these, 1,927 were also anti-Semitic incidents, motivated by hatred of Jews.

In terms of hate crimes overall (17,007 cases, a 48% increase!), the number of anti-Semitic incidents has experienced a sharp rise - by 95.5% to 5,164 offences.

However, it's not just Jews who are facing hatred. There's been an explosion of hatred towards other minority groups as well. The majority of these offences were xenophobic (15,087 cases, a 50% rise), and there were more incidents caused by hostility towards Islam (1,464 cases, a 140% increase).

Islamists at their march in Hamburg

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