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Insights into the latest quiz show, "Really true?"

Find all details about the theme, participants, and airing times for "Does it really happen? A program showcasing bizarre tales" here.

Am 29. Mai startet die neue Sendung „Wirklich wahr?! Die Rateshow der verrückten Geschichten“ mit...
Am 29. Mai startet die neue Sendung „Wirklich wahr?! Die Rateshow der verrückten Geschichten“ mit Moderator Daniel Hartwich

Idea, potential nominees, airing times - Insights into the latest quiz show, "Really true?"

Here's how you can paraphrase the given text:

You're in for a wild ride!

Beginning May 29th, a brand new quiz show named "Really True?! The Show of Insane Tales" will take you on a journey. Hosted by Daniel Hartwich, this show features outlandish history and peculiar events. Can you tell what's genuine and what's fabricated?

The Format of "Really True?! The Insane Tales Show"

Two celebrity teams face off against one another in this unique format. The objective is to identify which claims are true and which ones are purely imagination. Six rounds present such challenges, complete with clips that could confuse you. In the end, a winning team will be revealed, based on their accuracy.

Daniel Hartwich's Role in the Show

Hartwich, a familiar face from RTL, hosts this show. His glasses perched on his nose are as recognizable as he is. After "Let's Dance," he now engages audiences with "Really True?! The Show of Insane Tales" on RTL.

Initial Celebrity Participants

In the premiere on May 29th, these celebrities catch your attention:

  • Martin Rüttger - Dog trainer, writer
  • Ruth Moschner - TV host
  • Guido Cantz - Comedian
  • Bastian Bielendorfer - Comedian

Witness in the June 5th episode

  • Paul Panzer - Comedian
  • Janine Kunze - Actress, host
  • Wigald Boning - Comedian, voice actor
  • Panagiota Petridou - TV host

Televised Dates for "Really True?!"

These are the airing dates for "Really True?! The Insane Tales Show":

  • Episode 1: May 29th, 2024, 8:15 pm on RTL
  • Episode 2: June 5th, 2024, 8:15 pm on RTL

If you miss an episode, catch it later on RTL+.

Zuletzt präsentierte Daniel Hartwich die 17. Staffel von „Let’s Dance“

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