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Insights into life gained by terminally ill Vanessa

Her face radiates happiness until the agony strikes, causing her to fall. Yet, she rises once more. This woman embodies greatness, fortitude, and bravery, demonstrating what truly matters.

She laughs and enjoys every pain-free moment: Vanessa with her favorite coffee mug and in...
She laughs and enjoys every pain-free moment: Vanessa with her favorite coffee mug and in strawberry socks

Many individuals operate as though they're automated machinery. - Insights into life gained by terminally ill Vanessa

Vanessa, a 32-year-old from Soltau, is battling terminal cancer that has spread throughout her body - in her lungs, spine, and brain. Despite the dire prognosis from doctors, she isn't letting cancer take over her life entirely.

"Being out in nature makes me happy," she reflects, admiring the sky and appreciating the beauty of flowers. Nine years ago, Vanessa went through a similar ordeal, learning self-love and self-respect. Now, as her cancer progresses, she's taken these personal discoveries to a whole new level.

She puts down her phone and focuses on her thoughts and emotions. "I've learned to become one with myself, to embrace my inner life." traveling back to a childhood state of lightness and joy, taking each moment as a gift.

The dogs Teddy and Emma are always by Vanessa's side. Even when the young woman is receiving radiotherapy.

Instead of fearing the disease, Vanessa has a positive outlook on her situation, believing that her body will reject the harmful cells and replace them with healthy ones. "I'm not just hoping for it to happen," she says, "I know it will happen."

Vanessa encourages others to reflect on their inner lives more frequently. "So many people treat their lives as a robot, working passionlessly for hours, then coming home, cooking, eating, watching TV, browsing the internet, or sleeping. That's not how life should be lived."

Vanessa and Sebastian want to start their trip to Japan at the end of June

Her advice? "Break out of your routine! Step out of your comfort zone. You don't have to quit your job completely, but take more breaks during the day, pause for a moment. And do something completely different, be bold! Remember, life can end at any time."

A significant source of strength for Vanessa is the love and support she receives from her boyfriend, Sebastian, a 50-year-old police officer at the famous Davidwache police station in Hamburg, and her two dogs, Teddy and Emma. "I couldn't do all this without them, especially our journey of hope."

Vanessa also shares her story on Instagram and YouTube under the account Expedition Hoffnung

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