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Innovative individual expelled from voting facility

During the coronavirus crisis, former bus driver Thomas B. (42) implemented a rule requiring kids to wear masks, leading to a legal issue. In 2021, the admitted non-conformist interrupted Armin Laschet's (62, CDU) electoral rally. He sought to sabotage the tallying process for the municipal...

Thomas B. stand vor Gericht, weil er Kinder in seinem Bus die Maskenpflicht erlassen hatte. Er...
Thomas B. stand vor Gericht, weil er Kinder in seinem Bus die Maskenpflicht erlassen hatte. Er filmte dabei, wurde wegen unbefugten Verbreitens von Bildern, der Verletzung der Vertraulichkeit des Wortes, Hausfriedensbruchs und Beleidigung verurteilt

He interfered with the tallying process. - Innovative individual expelled from voting facility

During the vote counting at the Bürgerhaus of Sprottau, an election observer named Thomas B. reportedly broke the rules. The polling station, located in Sömmerda, has around 750 inhabitants.

Thomas B. allegedly used his cell phone inside the voting booth, a clear violation of the election laws, to regularly update his Telegram followers on the events. This allowed him to maintain an active presence on the platform while ensuring his audience was consistently engaged.

When election officials discovered his transgression and attempted to ask him to leave the polling station, Thomas B. refused to comply. As a result, they contacted the police.

A police car was promptly dispatched to the scene, and the intruder was issued a trespassing order before being removed from the premises.

After being escorted out, Thomas B. posted a message on his Telegram channel, expressing his dissatisfaction with the election officials and the police's actions. The former bus driver maintains that his behavior was not a reason for the commotion that ensued.

Thomas B. störte 2021 den Wahlkampfauftritt des damaligen CDU-Spitzenkandidaten Armin Laschet in Erfurt

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