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Infant Bently Causes Damage to Garage

In Föching, within the Miesbach district, an elderly woman was operating her Mercedes A-Class at roughly 2:40 p.m. during Saturday afternoon. Sudden fainting caused her to create quite a commotion in the area, as per the police's account.

Völlig beschädigt blieb das Auto stehen, das Innere der Garage wurde stark beschädigt
Völlig beschädigt blieb das Auto stehen, das Innere der Garage wurde stark beschädigt

Elderly driver loses consciousness - Infant Bently Causes Damage to Garage

Down a 30-meter driveway, a baby Benz made a powerful noise before colliding with a garage door with the force of a freight train. This impact led to damage on a wall, a workbench, and a compressor inside. Mercifully, the incident happened when nobody was in the garage.

Bitter: A car, stationed in the garage, also got caught up in the wreckage. The cops are currently investigating how the mishap unfolded.

Swiftly recovering from the impact, the driver experienced no recollection of the crash. Despite this, she was promptly taken to the hospital as a preventive measure. The level of damage is notable but hasn't been properly calculated yet. The crushed car was then hauled off by a towing firm. The fire department was also there to extract the wrecked door and conduct a thorough search of the garage for any potential casualties.

Auch die im Inneren der Garage gelagerten Teile wurden durch den heftigen Aufprall zerstört

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