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Inebriated motorist crashes at traffic stop

Wednesday night, a drunk motorist led to an accident at Holländischer Platz in Kassel, resulting in damages totaling 16,000 euros and a slightly injured 52-year-old driver from Fuldatal.

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Kassel - A city in Germany. - Inebriated motorist crashes at traffic stop

Around 7:30 PM, a fellow from Fulda was cruising on Wolfhager Straße in his VW, planning to take a left at the green traffic light into Holländische Straße. However, what happened next was a sudden head-on crash with a Sprinter coming from Katzensprung heading for Wolfhager Straße, driven by a 32-year-old guy from Kassel. As per eye witnesses, the Sprinter driver plowed through the intersection at the red light without slowing down.

The collision caused the VW to spin and, just like the Sprinter, left both vehicles with major front-end damage. As a result, both vehicles had to be towed away. The 52-year-old driver was rushed to the hospital as a preventive measure. The officers on the scene detected the scent of alcohol on the 32-year-old Sprinter operator. A roadside breath test detected a blood alcohol content of 2 per mille, and then a blood sample was extracted from him at the police station. It also came to light that he had no driver's license. This guy is now facing charges for endangering traffic and driving without a license. The investigation continues.

This text was generated using AI and official information from the authorities.

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