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Inebriated motorist (33) collides with two large taxis.

Sunday night in Munich saw a severe incident involving a drunk van driver (33) who ran into two taxi cabs packed with passengers.

Komplett gesperrt: Die Nymphenburger Straße glich in der Nacht einem Trümmerfeld
Komplett gesperrt: Die Nymphenburger Straße glich in der Nacht einem Trümmerfeld

Four people suffer injuries in Munich. - Inebriated motorist (33) collides with two large taxis.

Around the stroke of midnight, a van crashed into a taxi parked along Nymphenburger Street, pushing it into another taxi ahead and an Opel parked by the side. As it turns out, a number of people were getting into taxis at that moment, according to authorities who had just left a private party. Among the total of eleven people involved, four suffered injuries: a taxi driver (36 years old) and three passengers (44, 67, and 74).

Some of these individuals even faced serious harm, making their way to the hospital. The passengers were initially trapped inside the crashed vehicles and had to be rescued with a hydraulic tool.

For the purpose of finding out what caused this accident, the Nymphenburger Street was shut down for almost three hours.

Die Feuerwehr musste vier Verletzte aus den Großraum-Taxis befreien

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