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Individual assaults left-wing politico using a bike.

In Speyer, a left-wing council member experienced an attack from a 43-year-old individual in the late hours of Wednesday evening.

Left-wing politician Aurel Popescu was attacked by a man on Wednesday evening
Left-wing politician Aurel Popescu was attacked by a man on Wednesday evening

During the night, in Speyer, - Individual assaults left-wing politico using a bike.

At about 11 pm, Aurel Popescu (49), who leads the Left Party's parliamentary group in the cathedral city's council in Palatinate's southern region, was leaving a panel discussion at the DGB and planned to grab a drink with his wife at a pub in the pedestrian zone when a man assaulted him.

According to the police spokesman Bastian Hübner, this 43-year-old man verbally abused and intimidated Popescu in Maximilianstraße. He even threw a bike at the politician with the intention of striking him.

The attacker called Popescu a "left-wing extremist bastard." While Popescu managed to escape unharmed, his trousers were ripped, and his shoes were damaged, as mentioned in the politician's Facebook post.

Police apprehended the perpetrator shortly after the incident. The suspect has a history of criminal activities. He had previously assaulted the local politician six months ago and had been convicted in 2022 for using language that was offensive to fundamental rights. In 2023, he was found guilty of damaging property, and in January 2023, for displaying symbols associated with unconstitutional organizations, including Nazi symbols like swastikas, the Hitler salute, and SA slogans of AfD's right-wing extremist Björn Höcke. The investigations reveal that this crime might have a right-wing extremist background.

Public prosecutor Hubert Strober stated, "The 43-year-old must now face charges of attempted grievous bodily harm, threats, and insults against political figures."

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