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Individual (25 years) under influence while driving with a speed of 10 km/h

Witnesses spotted a heavily damaged vehicle with both tires flat, moving at a slow pace of 10 km/h on the L427 route towards Mainz-Drais at approximately 1:30 a.m. on Friday morning.

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Mainz: Report on L427 Event - Individual (25 years) under influence while driving with a speed of 10 km/h

The cops at the Mainz 3 police station verified the hefty damage done to one side of the car driven by a 25-year-old Romanian guy. Later on, investigators discovered that his breath alcohol level exceeded 0.8 per mille during a DUI check. The man claimed he crashed into a concrete pillar on the highway.

Authorities conducted a thorough search around the highways but couldn't discover any damage markers or incident sites. They're asking anyone with information or injuries from the possible collision to contact Mainz 3 police station at +49 6131 654310 or email them at [email protected].

The officers took a blood sample from the driver and seized his driver's license. He's now facing legal action for putting others in danger while driving.

This text reflects official news from the authorities with the assistance of AI.

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