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Increasing cases of mental illness in Germany

Mental illness and behavioral disorders are causing an increasing number of people in Germany to take sick leaves, reaching a new peak in 2021.

Psychological problems: Women are affected more often than men
Psychological problems: Women are affected more often than men

Mental health issues such as depression, burnout, and anxiety disorders. - Increasing cases of mental illness in Germany

An ever-growing illness...

Especially targeting women, its grip on men too is escalating rapidly. This is indicated by a response from the Federal Ministry of Labor to a brief inquiry from the Left Party.

This update sparks contemplation: mental health ailments occupied roughly half of all new disability insurance claims during 2022. An upsurge in people who, as a consequence of a mental disorder or its residuals, find themselves permanently unable to perform their endeavors at work, thus claiming a disability pension. This finding emerged from a recent study by life insurer Debeka.

The count of days taken off work due to psychological distress has now reached 132 million - almost thrice the number from 20 years ago. In 2021, it was at 126 million, whereas in 2002, the dismissals were merely at 61 million.

Multiple factors could be behind this rise. "Besides societal factors that have an impact, the suspect sources lie in the growing receptiveness in addressing mental health concerns," states the ministry.

Furthermore, the work environment is characterized by significant fluctuations across various domains. "Increased workloads, shortages of personnel, and novel pressures due to digitalization are driving up mental anguish. Particularly affected are employees working in sectors such as healthcare, elder care, childcare facilities, and schools," explained Susanne Ferschl, a left-wing politician in Rheinische Post newspaper.

Mental Health Problems in Women more Prevalent

Based on the report, women are more frequently afflicted by mental health issues. The associated sick days for them total 77 million - an uptick of 2.7% when compared to the year prior.

Similarly, depression, burnout, and anxiety disorders are emerging more often among men. Their corresponding sick days reach 55 million - an increment of 7.8%.

Forty-two percent of early retirements due to diminished earning capacity can be linked to mental burden. This signifies a 14% escalation from 2002.

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