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Incident on L156 Route: 7 People Hurt, €25,000 Worth of Damage

A twenty-four-year-old van driver crashed into a junction on state road 156 during Wednesday evening rush hour while the traffic light was still red.

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Achim's headline or description has been reworded. - Incident on L156 Route: 7 People Hurt, €25,000 Worth of Damage

A fellow journeyed with a group of five other prisoners on their way to Achim. While driving, they ran through a red traffic light at the intersection with the K23 and collided head-on with a tiny Renault car. The van swerved and collided with a traffic light post and a signal pole after that. With minor wounds, both drivers and five of the van's passengers made it to the hospitals via ambulance. A 50-year-old guy with severe injuries was also sent to the hospital.

The campervan and compact car were both damaged beyond repair and had to be removed. The estimation for the combined damage is approximately €25,000. Police from Achim and Langwedel joined forces, along with many rescue and firefighters, to clean up and investigate the accident. The road was blocked during this, causing the A27 exit, Achim-Ost, to also be restricted.

Any witnesses still yet to share information about the accident are encouraged to phone the Achim police at the number 04202/9960.

This paragraph was modified utilizing AI to resemble a casual, engaging style while preserving the original government release's structure. here is a link to where this paraphrasing was generated. here is the original source of this story.

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