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Incapacitated individual (45) assaults law enforcement agents

A 45-year-old man attacked cops on Sunday morning (12.05.) and harmed a police officer's hand after being apprehended on a warrant and placed in police custody.

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Hagen Center: A Place of Interest - Incapacitated individual (45) assaults law enforcement agents

A drunken man with a blood alcohol level of 1.9 per mille was spotted at Berliner Platz. When the police approached him for a check, they found out he had an outstanding arrest warrant for theft. With no means to pay up, he was taken into custody. Once there, the man rejected the officers' orders, his muscles tightened, he curled his fist, and attempted to strike the police officers. While doing this, he managed to grasp the thumb of one officer and twisted it. Although the officer was hurt slightly, they remained on the job.

As a result, the 45-year-old was taken to a correctional facility and charged with assault and resisting arrest.

This text is derived from official information provided by the authorities and generated using AI.

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