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In this line of work, individuals commonly experience illness.

Geriatric care workers face high levels of exhaustion and mental strain, as evidenced by the highest rate of sick days taken among all occupational groups in the country.

In no other occupational group do employees call in sick as often as in geriatric care (symbolic...
In no other occupational group do employees call in sick as often as in geriatric care (symbolic photo)

In other jobs, it occurs less frequently by 64%. - In this line of work, individuals commonly experience illness.

Based on findings from a 2023 evaluation, every person working in elderly care missed an average of 39.8 days due to sickness - a 0.7-day increment compared to the previous year. Overall, Barmer-insured workers took an average of 24.3 days off.

The leading cause for absence among geriatric nurses was mental illnesses like depression, totaling 9.22 days. Physical ailments like musculoskeletal issues such as back pain took the second spot at 9.19 days, followed by respiratory illnesses like coughs and colds, lasting 6 days, and injuries like sprains and torn ligaments, which averaged 3.4 days.

In Saarland, the average sickness rate for geriatric care spiked to 43.2 days, while the average for all professions stood at 28 days, higher than the national average.

Dunja Kleis, Barmer's Managing Director in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, advised companies to create better work conditions by offering more family-friendly and predictable schedules. To improve the situation, Kleis suggested nursing services and homes should provide more training opportunities for nursing assistants.

The study also highlighted the psychological strain on nursing staff. Kleis pointed out that seeing people fight serious illnesses and deal with untimely deaths contributed to this.

Interestingly, a nursing study by Barmer and the Institute for Occupational Health Consulting revealed that not only was sickness leave high, but over one-third of nursing staff reported working while being unwell. This behavior is often related to stress, unsatisfactory working conditions, and poor company culture. The study specifically observed this in workers who had worked for a company for over 16 years, with 49% admitting they were often or very frequently unwell at work.

"Nurses are burdened with a great deal of emotional stress in their careers," said Dunja Kleis, Managing Director of Barmer in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. "The sight of many patients who suffer from serious illnesses and pass away can have a profound impact on their mental well-being," Kleis added. Encouraging workplaces to prioritize employee well-being is key.

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