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In the past, summer only required 40 pfennigs.

Berlin experiences sunshine today, making it warm. I head towards the ice cream shop. "I'd like two scoops in a cone, please. One with stracciatella and the other with strawberry." "sixty-five." "Excuse me, what do you imply by that?" "One scoop costs 2.80 euros."

Strandspaß mit „Flutschfinger“-Eis: Szene aus dem Kino-Kultwerbespot „Like Ice In The Sunshine“ von...
Strandspaß mit „Flutschfinger“-Eis: Szene aus dem Kino-Kultwerbespot „Like Ice In The Sunshine“ von 1985

Two servings of ice cream cost 5.60 euros. - In the past, summer only required 40 pfennigs.


Pricey treat? I gaze at the ice cream cone: The delight of relishing a captivating sunny day with a mouth-watering cold ice cream is no more for me.

Savoring the sun with an ice cream cone at the public pool

A genuine summer includes ice cream. "Sweet is the summer," was said during marketing before. And that's accurate!

As a kid, I used to visit the local pool daily in the summers. In-between, there were French fries with ketchup, sticky waffles with chocolate at the ends - and cones of ice cream.

Eis-Lieblinge von Langnese: Das waren noch Zeiten, das waren noch Preise. Der Hit bei Hitze: „Capri“ für 40 Pfennig

I had several preferred flavors back then: "Capri", the most refreshing orange fruit ice cream for me. Or "Split", "Dolomiti" and "Cornetto". And because they said, "Give someone a Nogger," I wanted one too. "Happen", chocolate, vanilla and strawberry combined in a waffle (cost 40 pennies in 1970) was also a favorite. I had four pennies in my pocket.

All these delicacies were from Langnese. What I didn't know then: The Hamburg merchant Karl Rolf Seyferth seized a bakery established by Viktor Langnese in 1927. In 1935, he introduced an idea from Denmark: Ice cream on a stick. He sold it for 10 pennies per piece - marking the beginning of the "Langnese ice cream" fame.

Ice cream and summer aura - they seamlessly complemented each other for years. The cinema advertisement from 1985 with the song "Like Ice In The Sunshine" was so well-loved that the pop song was subsequently released as a single a year later and made it to the top 10 charts.

By the way, before the movie started, there was consistently a salesman offering ice cream from his belly-box.

Schleck weg das Eis: Kindergruppe 1975 im Freibad Bremen

Ice cream and nostalgia - they blend well! Could astute advertising strategists have conceived this too? The yogurt ice cream, which has been around since 1970, is now also available as ice cream on a stick. The Ahoj-Brause, which has been popular since 1925, can now be had as prickly ice cream in a waffle at the supermarket.

I don't want to moan about the costly ice cream balls of today. In Paris, they charge 3.50 euros, on the North Sea island of Norderney it's the same amount, and in Copenhagen, it's even 4.50 euros.

However, the summer feels less fulfilling to me with these pricey balls. I prefer to sit with an orange fruit ice cream on a stick on my balcony and reminisce about the public pool of the '70s.

Im „Eiscafé Maintor“ in Seligenstadt (Hessen) gibt’s die Kugel für 1,70 Euro. Das ist noch moderat

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