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In Berlin, police disperse anti-Israel protestors obstructing a university campus.

Israel-haters once again took control of a Berlin university. The authorities responded by interrupting the demonstration on Wednesday night.

Israel-haters in front of the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University on Wednesday...
Israel-haters in front of the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University on Wednesday afternoon

Warm and intense environment - In Berlin, police disperse anti-Israel protestors obstructing a university campus.

As police ushered anti-Israel protesters away from the university compound, the demonstrators voiced loud objections. The mood was tense, and the gathering hadn't been properly recorded.

The stands-off had commenced on Wednesday afternoon. At first, authorities estimated approximately 50 individuals had encircled the Humboldt University's Institute of Social Sciences on Universitätsstraße.

Around 250-300 anti-Israel activists demonstrating on the street joined in the sit-in barricade. They waved umbrellas and Palestinian scarves. The climate was hot.

Israel haters in the building: They had entered via a side entrance

In the evening hours, HU President Julia von Blumenthal went to the Faculty of Social Sciences building with a team and a discussion proposal. According to the university's spokesperson, the occupiers accepted an invitation from the Presidential Board. The goal was for the Israel-agnostics to vacate voluntarily and avert eviction.

This shifted at about 7.40 pm when the police commenced dismantling the barricade.

Hundreds of hate-filled demonstrators on the street in front of the university. Some of them wore Palestinian scarves and held them up in front of the police officers

Occupiers allege "genocide" and "mass murders"

In a declaration, the occupants of the group titled "Student Coalition Berlin" charged Israel of "genocide" and "ongoing mass killings." The focal point was for "unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian people." The Hamas terrorists holed up throughout the Gaza Strip? Not a matter of concern...

HU President Julia von Blumenthal wanted the squatters to leave voluntarily

The Israel-agnostics appealed to the university to endorse their occupation and forbid a police intervention.

An occupation by the same group at the Free University of Berlin recently was cleared by the police.

Police officers have lined up in front of the university

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