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In a tragic incident, two firefighters lost their lives while working on a highway.

Fatal accident on the D1 highway near Slovakia's capital leaves two firefighters dead (aged 27 and 43) and two more police officers injured, one seriously and one slightly.

Zwei Kameraden der slowakischen Feuerwehr starben auf der Autobahn, als sie einen Fahrzeugbrand...
Zwei Kameraden der slowakischen Feuerwehr starben auf der Autobahn, als sie einen Fahrzeugbrand löschten

Officer severely harmed - In a tragic incident, two firefighters lost their lives while working on a highway.

On a Monday night, emergency services in Horná Streda, Slovakia, were called to handle a vehicle fire. While trying to extinguish the blaze, tragedy struck: A Scania truck driver (40 years old) mysteriously crashed into the stationed emergency vehicles.

An Unimaginable Tragedy

This collision caused the driver of the Scania truck to first hit a police car, and then the first out of two fire trucks. As a result of the force of the impact, the second fire truck was launched onto the street. Sadly, two men who were already battling the fire were trapped beneath the destroyed vehicle and passed away on the spot. A policeman remained seated in the patrol car during the accident, but was transported to the hospital with grave injuries. His companion, positioned beside the police car, sustained minor wounds.

Der Scania-Sattelauflieger war erst in das Polizeifahrzeug, dann in eins von zwei Feuerwehr-Fahrzeugen gekracht

The Slovak Interior Minister, Matuš Šťastný Eštok, journeyed to the scene of the devastation. He conveyed somber condolences to the families of the deceased firefighters and conveyed his hopes for a rapid recovery for the injured.

"We have experienced a terrible loss. These were colleagues who would never think twice before putting their lives on the line to assist others. For them, helping fellow citizens was a duty and a calling," stated a representative of the Slovak Fire Department on the following day.

Zwei Kameraden der Feuerwehr standen auf der Fahrbahn, wurden beim Einsatz getötet

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