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Improve Your Concentration Levels with These Foods

Nourishment for the mind - Improve Your Concentration Levels with These Foods

Have you got a hectic day planned out with lots of demanding tasks that need mental focus, yet you've neglected to eat? That's a recipe for a mentally draining day. Just as a car can't run without fuel, your brain can't either.

Feeling tired or suffering from headaches? The culprit might be your brain's lack of water. Incredibly, the human brain is about 80% water. When dehydrated, the brain's circulation and oxygen supply can be severely affected. It's not just our water intake that's crucial to brainpower; the right food choices are important too.

Unhealthy foods can cut brain years

Love munching on chips and fries? Be prepared to age your brain. Trans fats - hydrogenated vegetable fats - found in these snacks are responsible for adding age to your brain. Scientific studies even suggest they reduce the volume of the brain, causing it to age faster. Similarly, cutting back on sugar can help. While sugar offers a quick energy boost when you're in a slump, research suggests it's bad for the brain and memory in the long run.

Making the right food choices can significantly impact how well you're able to focus on a task. There's a whole collection of foods that can legitimately be called "brain food" because they boost the brain and enhance thinking ability. For instance, nuts are a snacking alternative to potato chips, as they're loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and provide essential vitamins and antioxidants. Walnuts, in particular, become your ally when you're struggling to stay focused. The superfood, avocado, is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids that can increase blood flow to the brain, among other benefits.

The picture series above gives you an insight into which foods are beneficial for the brain.

References: DGE, WHO

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