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I'm similar to Garfield in being cynical, idle, and avaricious.

Comedian Hape Kerkeling Provides Voice for Famous Feline Garfield in Upcoming Films; Discusses His Pet Affection, TV Obsession, and Future Plans in BILD.

Entertainer Hape Kerkeling (59) voiced the "Garfield" radio play cassettes in 1987. Now he is also...
Entertainer Hape Kerkeling (59) voiced the "Garfield" radio play cassettes in 1987. Now he is also its movie voice

Comedian Hape Kerkeling in the spotlight. - I'm similar to Garfield in being cynical, idle, and avaricious.

Kerkeling, when you were a young child, your first cat was named Peterle. What's the name of your current feline companion?

Hape Kerkeling: Bruno, Bolly, and Kitty. Maggie is a new addition. They're all strays, random acquaintances we take care of when they show up sporadically.

You also have a long history with Garfield.

When I found out there was going to be a new movie, I immediately thought, "they have to ask me." Thinking back to when I voiced the radio play cassettes in 1987, I hoped that someone might still remember. When the request came in, I eagerly agreed.

Garfield is cynical, lazy, and greedy. Which of these qualities do you identify with the most?

All of them, unfortunately. Admitting that might not be the smartest move.

Do you acquire cynicism from the media spotlight over the years?

Hape Kerkeling amuses himself with a Garfield stand-up at the BILD interview in Berlin

Garfield's cynicism is the result of one or two childhood traumas. Possibly the same goes for me. But it also comes a little from this industry. If you don't have a sense of humor, you're out of luck.

How would you describe Garfield?

In the film, we see his humorous, nasty, cynical, and loving sides. You leave the movie with new insights, and that's how it is in life too.

You're known as a TV junkie ...

Absolutely. I watch everything.

Do you like everything you see?

Kerkeling humorously compares himself to Garfield, because he too is cynical, lazy and greedy

Heck no. Despite that, I watch it anyway, because the strangest things can sometimes be the most interesting. Television will always fascinate me the most.

What about social media?

I've tried it out, but it's not my scene. However, I live digitally at home. I can turn off the light with my phone. Even the toilet flush is connected to my phone. The only thing that doesn't work is the phone toilet flush.

Your first television program aired 40 years ago ...

... on December 5, 1984.

You've never wanted to be mainstream. Despite your bestselling books and top-rated shows and films, you've never intended to achieve mainstream status. So, what are you doing wrong?

Kerkeling with BILD reporter Tobias Render (38) during an interview in Berlin

I would've never thought "Ich bin dann mal weg" would become one of the bestselling books since World War II. When my publisher informed booksellers that I was writing about a pilgrimage, the response was, "Hape Kerkeling is a comedian, he should write a funny book." Honestly, I still don't quite understand his success. But I'm grateful for it.

Maybe you've broken a taboo by speaking openly about mental health issues. Did you accomplish this?

In everything I've created artistically and written, I've always managed to break taboos. But I never did it intentionally. I challenged the authorities in the show business world, appeared as Queen Beatrix and attended the Federal Press Conference, wrote about my search for God, reincarnation, euthanizing my cats, and my mother's suicide. Perhaps it wasn't such a big deal back then, but it might be today.

You lost your mother when you were eight years old. At her funeral, you said you wanted your life to be "a celebration." Have you achieved that?

I believe I have. So far, my life feels like an extended celebration.

Garfield the cat was born in a comic strip on June 19, 1978. Now the fourth movie with him is in the cinemas

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