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If you own jewelry, reach out to us.

In the middle of the roundabout, rather than a hitchhiker or a broken-down car, there was a box containing valuable jewels.

Earrings, bracelets, necklaces. This jewelry was in a box that was found last Monday at a traffic...
Earrings, bracelets, necklaces. This jewelry was in a box that was found last Monday at a traffic circle in Heppenheim

Law enforcement officers in Hesse are on the alert. - If you own jewelry, reach out to us.

Last Monday (27th May) at around 6pm, a good Samaritan stumbled upon a chest in Heppenheim (Hesse) near the roundabout where Burgermeister-Metzendorf-Straße meets Ludwigstraße. The contents inside were scattered all over the road, having been run over by a vehicle. The finder quickly notified the authorities.

The possibility of a crime

The police believe that the jewelry inside the chest might belong to a criminal case, given its make: "Stainless Steel Jewelry." However, they are still unsure and cannot yet link it to any particular incident.

Help us find the rightful owner!

The authorities are now appealing to the public for any information on the rightful owners of these items or if anyone has lost any of them. If you recognize any of the pieces shown in the images or have any leads, contact the Heppenheim police at their number: 06252/706-0.

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