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If the disciples had used Facebook during Pentecost...

Luke narrates the Pentecost miracle and the Holy Spirit's manifestation vividly and in rich detail in the Acts of the Apostles within the New Testament.

Today is a significant celebration for Christians. - If the disciples had used Facebook during Pentecost...

Imagine if Jesus weren't present that night when God's promise was made to his disciples, as per biblical research. We weren't there either, but we tried our best to picture what might have transpired back then.

In today's context, the disciples - a bunch of guys in their 20s - would probably have expressed their anxieties, awe, and jubilation through Facebook.

Instead of "Jews, men, and all who live in Jerusalem, take note of this, and let my words reach your ears. For this is what was spoken long ago by the prophet Joel" (Acts 2:14-16, Luther Bible 1912), they would have probably written something like "Yo, y'all Jews in Jerusalem, check this out! This ain't some booze-infused ramblings, it's the real deal at 3 PM! What Joel the prophet said is coming true."

We're not trying to outshine Luther and Luke, but we had the audacity to play with this idea. And who knows? God might find this entertaining. Amen!

Take a look at the disciples' Facebook posts from that night: Here and at the top.

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