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Idiot who misused a laser must pay 3600 euros.

This was clearly not the appropriate present for this gentleman.

Matthias H. wurde wegen seiner Laser-Eskapaden verurteilt
Matthias H. wurde wegen seiner Laser-Eskapaden verurteilt

Helicopter loses visibility while approaching for landing. - Idiot who misused a laser must pay 3600 euros.

Matthias H., 39, had been using his new laser pointer for just a couple of hours when he made a costly and dangerous error: The jobless man shone the device into the night sky, blinding a police helicopter in the process. At the Bautzen District Court on Tuesday, he defended his actions. More serious than the joke was the charge: endangering air traffic!

According to the indictment, Matthias H. had blinded a three-person crewed Eurocopter during its landing at Bautzen Airport (Saxony) on January 8, 2023, before daybreak. Prosecutor Manfred Sauter disclosed that the pilot was wearing night vision goggles and was greatly disturbed by the attack. The helicopter pilot, who had previously finished a border control flight, had to abort the landing approach. However, he was able to guide his fellow crew members to the laser perpetrator's location. The man was captured right away at the crime scene.

Mit diesem Laserpointer wurde der Pilot geblendet

Video validates and discredits the defendant

Die Aufnahmen aus dem Helikopter: H. ist im Nachtsichtbild klar zu erkennen

Matthias H. surrendered the laser pointer to the police officers without resistance. Arguing at court, he claimed he had been listening to music and simply playing with the laser pointer. He mentioned that he hadn't thought of a helicopter. But a video from the helicopter made this explanation uncertain: There were no clouds in the sky, the machine should be clearly visible and audible.

Ein Helikopter dieses Typs wurde bei Bautzen geblendet

Still visible in the video was something that cleared the defendant: Matthias H. appeared to be wandering around aimlessly, smoking, and drinking beer. Even when the police showed up, he did not flee. The man behind the laser prank didn't seem to understand the wrong he had done...

Ließ diesmal Milde walten: Knallhart-Richter Dr. Dirk Hertle

The judge doesn't spot any malicious intent

Since Judge Dr. Dirk Hertle (62) saw it similarly, Matthias H. ultimately faced a penalty of 120 days in prison at a rate of 30 euros each. "You were having fun and playing around. It was a silly prank by immature people," Hertle stated. If there had been a clear intention, a sentence between six months to ten years would have been imposed.

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