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I wish to depart from Germany.

Over 300 individuals protest against the Israel-hating camp at Frankfurt's Goethe University, delivering a powerful message against anti-Semitism. Some have been convinced for a while now - they intend to depart from Germany.

Hendrik Edelmann demonstrates against the camp of Israel-haters at Frankfurt University on Friday....
Hendrik Edelmann demonstrates against the camp of Israel-haters at Frankfurt University on Friday. But the Jewish student no longer feels safe and wants to leave Germany

A Jewish student from Frankfurt decides to abandon his studies. - I wish to depart from Germany.

"I can't wait to escape this place and finish my computer science degree in Israel," expressed Hendrik Edelmann (33), a Jewish student, at the rally on Friday. Ever since the pro-Palestine camp was established, he's been uneasy walking around campus. "These people aren't interested in dialogue. They want to ruin the lives of individuals like me."

So far, there have been seven temporary arrests. The university administration has also filed charges against students for calling for attacks on Jewish people ("Yallah, Yallah Intifada") and wishing for the eradication of the Israeli state ("Palestine is Arab").

The harmless-sounding slogan has a more sinister meaning

Peaceful protest my ass: For days, a poster with the Hamas slogan

German-Israeli computer science professor Haya Schulmann stepped up to the mic. She refutes the seemingly benign chant "From the river Jordan to the sea." This isn't just an innocuous phrase; it's in the Hamas charter, which translates to the annihilation of Israel.

More than 300 people took part in the demonstration against the Israel-hater camp at Goethe University

Compelling messages from public figures

Uwe Becker, the anti-Semitism commissioner for Hesse (CDU), and Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, Frankfurt's mayor (Greens), delivered inspiring words of support. Meanwhile, FDP member of state parliament Stefan Naas and CDU politician Bettina Wiesmann took part in the protest. Wiesmann advocated for expelling anti-Jewish students from the university.

The truth of the matter is, come Sunday, the Israel-haters must pack up and leave the campus. They can set up a new camp in early June. However, they fail to disassociate themselves from Hamas terrorism and continue advocating for violent actions against Jews in their slogans!

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