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I prepare meals without sight.

Marcel Heim, a 39-year-old blind chef, navigates his kitchen with expertise. He swiftly grabs a knife and cuts onions, only narrowly missing his fingers.Next, he fetches a salt and pepper blend from the shelf and removes meat from the refrigerator. "Learned lesson is learned," says the...

Sein Blick geht ins Leere. Doch er kennt jeden Handgriff: Marcel Heim ist kurz nach seiner...
Sein Blick geht ins Leere. Doch er kennt jeden Handgriff: Marcel Heim ist kurz nach seiner Ausbildung zum Koch erblindet, führt jetzt ein eigenes Restaurant

Marcel Heim manages a restaurant in Hesse. - I prepare meals without sight.

In 2005, a man from Gernsheim, Hesse, suddenly experienced chills, reminiscent of an old TV. Within just four months, this man had nearly lost his vision completely.

Uncommon Genetic Disorder Led to Blindness

„Gelernt ist gelernt“, sagt der blinde Koch, als er die Schweineschnitzel schneidet. Jedes ist fast exakt einen Zentimeter dick

For years, he had been aware of it, but chose to suppress the knowledge: "In our family, there's a genetic defect that can lead to optic nerve atrophy." A rare disease called Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is the culprit, mostly affecting young males. The chances of recovery are slim so far.

Er schneidet alles selbst – auch die Tomaten. Das Messer führt er dabei haarscharf an den Fingerkuppen vorbei

Many would have given up, but he asserted: "My brother lost his sight too. I learned from him: Life continues if we just keep putting one foot in front of the other."

Auch im Gefrierschrank ist alles an einem festen Platz. Marcel weiß genau, wo er hingreifen muss

He clawed his way to his own modest restaurant, named "Realblind" (meaning 'truly blind'). Four nights a week, Marcel prepares a 3-5 course meal and personally serves it to the customers.

Essen ohne Firlefanz: Da er blind ist und die Gerichte im Dunkeln serviert werden, verzichtet er auf jede Deko. Dafür schmeckt der Hauptgang mit Pilz-Reis, Ratatouille und drei Fleisch-Variationen umso besser

Guests Can Ask Him Anything Throughout the Meal

Zur Begrüßung gibt es Sekt, dann führt Marcel Heim die Gäste ins dunkle Restaurant. Anni (22) und Maximilian (27) aus Landau sind begeistert

Up to 30 diners can inquire about his journey from blindness shock to frustration and aspirations. So, Marcel answers the question of what he misses: "I'd like to see a naked woman again." He then steers the conversation elsewhere.

The guests come by 6:30 pm. Marcel leads them to the 'Blind Dinner' in the darkness of the restaurant. The guests only taste but don't see the dishes; they have to guess the foods.

The Blind Chef is a Father and a Single Parent

The restaurant is one aspect of his life. His devotion lies with his three adopted daughters: Leonie (15), Mira (12), and Ayden, his soon-to-be 4-year-old son. Marcel lives separately from his wife, and Ayden stays with him. "I'm blind, a single parent, and self-sufficient. I get through every safety net," he simply states.

The chef with the disability: "I could make it easier for myself, not work, and receive welfare. But I want to touch something." And he desires to serve as an example for his kids and other blind people.

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