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I owed 7,000 euros for being removed from a country.

At the lunch table, 66-year-old Roland Schmidt received a letter from the local government, causing him to lose his appetite.

Reiterhof-Chef Roland Schmidt (66) hält den Kostenbescheid über 7000 Euro in den Händen
Reiterhof-Chef Roland Schmidt (66) hält den Kostenbescheid über 7000 Euro in den Händen

Shocked horse farm owner - I owed 7,000 euros for being removed from a country.

The surprised stable manager finds himself in a predicament: "I've got to pay 7000 euros for deportation."

The Job Center provided the stable hand

This ordeal involves Oleg B. (56), a former employee for Roland Schmidt who ran a stable. Roland Schmidt received Oleg B. from the Job Center in Konstanz and received the wage subsidy for 2023 from the same center. He assumed that Oleg B. had a work permit.

Abschiebegefängnis Pforzheim. Hier kostet eine Übernachtung 392 Euro

At the stable, there was an unexpected checkup that revealed Oleg B. had seemingly failed to renew his work permit. A week later, two officers came and apprehended the stable hand.

Oleg was handcuffed and taken away

Aufschlüsselung der Abschiebekosten. Die Behörde behielt sich sogar noch weitere Kosten vor

Roland Schmidt shared his disbelief: "They put handcuffs and leg irons on him and took him away like a serious criminal. I also slipped his unpaid earnings of 400 euros into his pocket."

Believing this chapter had concluded, Roland Schmidt hired a new stable hand and thought the problem had been resolved. But instead, he received a letter from the Regional Council in Karlsruhe, which demanded "reimbursement of incurred costs amounting to 6959.25 euros from the state of Baden-Württemberg."

Regierungspräsidentin Sylvia M. Felder (57. CDU). Ihre Behörde schickte dem Pferdehof-Chef den Kostenbescheid

The cost of a week in the deportation cell is 392 euros

The breakdown reveals that the police, transportation, and one week in the deportation center were the only expenses. The astonishing amount of 392.08 euros was charged daily and nightly, far exceeding the price of a luxury hotel night.

Als der Reiterhof-Chef diesen Absatz las, schaltete er sofort einen Anwalt ein

At a loss and with legal representation, Roland Schmidt declares: "If the Regional Council insists on payment, I'll contemplate a court case." He further commented on the enormous cost: "Highly disproportionate. My last vacation in Madeira only cost 1800 euros."

Der Pferdehof von Roland Schmidt liegt idyllisch am Ortsrand der Bodensee-Gemeinde Allensbach

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