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I observe his visage on a daily basis.

The pepper spray and tasers failed to subdue Mouhamed Dramé (16). He fled with a large knife, prompting Inspector Fabian S. (30) to shoot him with an MP, ultimately killing the asylum seeker with five gunshots.

Five police officers have to answer for their actions in court
Five police officers have to answer for their actions in court

Law enforcement officer fires at man from Senegal brandishing a knife. - I observe his visage on a daily basis.

On August 8, 2022, an incident occurred in Dortmund's Nordstadt district that has brought a police officer to court. Charges have been filed for what is believed to be an unlawful operation.

In the courtroom, a young inspector offered a heartfelt recount of how the event and the death of a Senegalese man continued to haunt him. He shared, "I see his face every day. When I became a police officer, I never expected to have to shoot anyone. I still haven't processed that."

"It seemed like self-defense"

Assigned as a back-up shooter, the inspector also shared his experience of feeling threatened by the man with the knife. He expressed, "He glanced around briefly before running toward us with the knife. It became clear that he was coming for us. In my mind, it was a matter of self-defense."

A banner from last year shows the killed Dramé

Addressing the co-defendants, two brothers of the man who was fatally shot, he expressed his genuine remorse, "I cannot begin to understand the pain these brothers must be feeling after losing their relative in such a manner. I admit that I am responsible for the death, and I want you to know I am deeply sorry for their loss."

Five police officers, two female (29, 31) and three male (30, 34, 55), are currently facing charges. Mouhamed Dramé allegedly vowed to take his own life in the courtyard of a local church in the Dortmund's Nordstadt area. When he failed to respond to the police's attempts at communication, events escalated.

Failed Taser deployment

Joint plaintiffs and brothers of the deceased: Sidy and Lassan, together with interpreter Moustapha Timera (m.)

Dramé was initially sprayed with pepper spray by a female officer, but the knife was not dropped. Within a second, two colleagues deployed two Tasers. However, the darts did not hit their intended target effectively and Dramé was not rendered incapacitated.

The social workers at the residential facility also confirm that the Senegalese man had approached the police, brandishing a knife. The public prosecutor's office, on the other hand, suggests that Dramé was not attempting to attack the police, but rather trying to escape the situation.

The trial at Dortmund District Court will resume in two weeks' time.

Prosecutor Maribel Anderson assumes that the young Senegalese man only wanted to flee, not attack

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