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I consumed just five almonds daily.

Christina Applegate, aged 52, starred as Kelly Bundy in the successful sitcom "A Terribly Nice Family." Fans adored her dumb character, but the role left her feeling unwell.

As Kelly Bundy, Christina Applegate became the sex symbol of a generation in the nineties - now she...
As Kelly Bundy, Christina Applegate became the sex symbol of a generation in the nineties - now she is talking about the dark side of this role for the first time

Christina Applegate shares her struggle with anorexia. - I consumed just five almonds daily.

With blonde locks and slender legs, she sported skin-tight outfits that had her fans swooning. However, beneath the glamour and recognition, the actress was battling a secret demon - anorexia. She admits to having starved herself for years, saying, "I deprived myself of food for years."

"A living nightmare"

At just 15, she landed the role of Kelly Bundy in a show that would become a worldwide phenomenon (running from 1987 to 1997). Despite the public's adoration, she continued to deteriorate in her personal life. She struggled to maintain a healthy diet and risked her health for her appearance. This was a topic she discussed on a podcast, "MeSsy".

They were

Reflecting on those times, she crudely described them as "fucking torture."

Inspired by her own mother

Attractive, but not particularly bright - Applegate became the star of the show as ditzy Kelly Bundy (l.)

The desire to slim down stemmed from her mother, actress Nancy Priddy (83). She pushed Applegate to adopt the Weight Watchers diet in order to lose weight.

"At a weight of 50 kilos, my mother would ask, 'How did you manage that?' I told her, 'I managed it because I had an eating disorder.' "

In the nineties, Applegate became the sex symbol of an entire generation with her skin-tight outfits. Her fans had no idea about her anorexia

As for her diet, it barely existed! Applegate would sometimes eat just "five almonds a day." If she happened to consume more food, she would burst into tears and remain confined to her home. She recalls engaging in this behavior for a long time.

"I wanted my bones to protrude," she remembers with a glance at her past physique. She felt fat even if her costumes had to be sewn tighter than a size 36.

Her colleagues were also concerned about the increasingly slim Applegate

Her eccentric eating habits were also alarming to her co-stars on set. However, she was so consumed by her obsession with her physical appearance, she couldn't shake off her unhealthy habits. While tearing up, she revealed on the podcast that she fought her eating disorder until she was 30, but the "demons" still reappeared.

She brought up her appearance at the Emmys in January as an illustration of her battle. Ill with multiple sclerosis, the actress used a walking stick on stage. In her acceptance speech, she humorously addressed her curvier figure.

Leaning on a cane and on the arm of presenter Anthony Anderson, Christina Applegate, who suffers from MS, took to the stage at the Emmy Awards in January. The issue of weight and body image has remained with the actress to this day. At the Emmys, she announced her intention to withdraw from the public eye in future

Looking back, Applegate told the podcast, "I made jokes at the Emmys because I wanted to say, 'I know what you're thinking'."

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