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Hundreds mourn individuals affected by the fall of a club on Mallorca.

Complete silence for a whole minute: an unheard-of event at Ballermann. This chilling moment occurred on Saturday night at approximately 7 pm, near Ballermann 1 and close to the renowned Mega Park party venue.

Am Ballermann flossen am Samstagabend bei der Trauerfeier für die Opfer des Todes-Clubs die...
Am Ballermann flossen am Samstagabend bei der Trauerfeier für die Opfer des Todes-Clubs die Tränen

A moment of silence at Ballermann. - Hundreds mourn individuals affected by the fall of a club on Mallorca.

During moments of noisy people, there was an air of silence as a mark of respect for the deceased. The nearby restaurants silenced their music. People comforted each other in each other's arms, shedding tears. Some of the relatives present in the crowd couldn't take the pain and crumbled to the ground.

Emotional Response at Ballermann

Hunderte Menschen nahmen an der Trauerfeier dabei, die Polizei sperrte die Straße ab

A large crowd gathered around the site of the tragedy, the "Medusa Bar," to honor the four victims of the terrible accident - consisting of two German women (age 20 and 30). The main street was cordoned off by authorities.

Die Menschen nahmen Abschied von den Opfern am Unglücksort, der eingestürzten „Medusa Bar“

Friends had arranged this heartfelt farewell. Hundreds came to say their goodbyes, leaving flowers and lighting candles.

Unter den Trauernden und sichtlich bewegt: Auswanderer-Paar Caro und Andreas Robens („Goodbye Deutschland“)

Emotional Scenes from "Goodbye Germany" Cast Members

Auch die Feuerwehr kehrt, sichtlich bewegt, an den Ort des Einsatzes zurück, um den Toten ihren Respekt zu zollen und zu trauern

The German emigrant couple Caro and Andreas Robens from the television show "Goodbye Germany" were also hesitatingly wiping away their tears.

Eine rote Rose in einem Feuerwehrstiefel ist der letzte Gruß der Rettungskräfte

Moving scenes were also observed amongst the firefighter personnel - the chief laid a boot between the candles and the sea of flowers. A fellow firefighter placed roses in his shoes. These moments were incredibly touching.

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