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"Humboldt-Universität lacks regulations and order"

Humboldt University in Berlin was occupied by individuals with anti-Israel sentiments, which went unchallenged by university president Julia von Blumenthal for a whole day. A Jewish student spoken to expressed his disapproval, stating that the university has become a lawless environment due to...

Der jüdische Berliner Student Noam Petri (20)
Der jüdische Berliner Student Noam Petri (20)

A Jewish pupil submits a complaint. - "Humboldt-Universität lacks regulations and order"

Noam Petri, a 20-year-old medical student at Charité (a joint program between Humboldt University and the Free University) in Berlin and Vice President of the Jewish Students' Union Germany, argues: "The time for peaceful protests has come to an end. The demonstrators are now commemorating the events of October 7th and supporting Hamas!"

Additionally, the "From the river to the sea" graffiti and Hamas chants are becoming more prevalent, which the university president described as typical "graffiti." "This isn't just trivialization, but glorification," states Petri. "Radical students align with Islamist ideology."

The university administration has surrendered to this intensity, tolerating damage to property and trespassing. "The university has turned into a lawless environment," laments Petri. "The order to leave had to come externally. I wonder: Would the university president have taken the same stance if it were right-wing extremists?"

His request: Blumenthal should have intervened instead of setting up talks. She has already faced boos from the protesters in the past and is experiencing them again. "No need to converse with Islamists," claims Petri.

"The issue isn't just a student matter anymore; some professors also share the views of the protesters. 'To maintain their safety,' the demonstrators are escorted out and posed as victims. This is utterly despicable," states the med student.

Petri: "Fear seeps into Jewish students at Humboldt University. Scenarios like this are extremely disconcerting for their sense of security. Similarly, non-Jewish students are affected."

Ein Teilnehmer bei einer Kundgebung von „Fridays for Israel“ am Freitag vor der Humboldt-Universität mit einer klaren Botschaft

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