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HSV commemorates new license with pizza and pilsner.

The Managing Directors, Sebastian Frecke, Jogi Bitter, and Niklas Weller, left in their cars feeling both elated and fatigued.

Good mood after the license decision! Coach Torsten Jansen (r.) and Dani Baijens, who will move to...
Good mood after the license decision! Coach Torsten Jansen (r.) and Dani Baijens, who will move to Paris in the summer

The Board of Supervision distributes large sums. - HSV commemorates new license with pizza and pilsner.

Hurry, grab a brew at the hotel bar 'Night Flight' before the HSV squad sets off for Hamburg.

They partied in the vehicle, munching on pizza and washing it down with pilsner, 140 kilometers away from their destination.

After six intense hours of negotiation at the Maritim Airport Hotel in Hanover, trainer Toto Jansen's expressions reveled the strain. He expressed, "It was emotionally exhausting. This week-long state of uncertainty was a total fiasco." He felt as if "a heavy backpack had been removed from my shoulders."

The independent arbitration court bestowed the HSV Hamburg with the license for the approaching season in the Handball Bundesliga! However, there were certain conditions.

The HSV Hamburg needed to demonstrate by the 4th of June (8 PM) that they would cover potential risks from the 2024/2025 season. This could be achieved through either a bank guarantee or by stashing the amount into the Handball Bundesliga's bank account. Clarified the arbitration court's head, Christof Wieschemann (61), after the proceedings in Hanover.

Müller checks off the condition!

Meanwhile, the Bergische HC vows to challenge the Handball League and HSV. They mentioned in a statement, "The arbitration court's decision was unconventional." Additionally, "The decision stands in direct contrast to the goals of licensing, reliable and secure management, and financial structures. A licensing process that determines exclusion deadlines and financial requirements for league participation at will doesn't provide a foundation for fair and economically integrated competitions."

More handball news can be found here:

The BHC has decided to appeal, aiming to secure the relegation as a potential candidate for demotion (17.) as a way to preserve the league.

The independent arbitration tribunal made the license decision: Prof. Dr. Rainer Tarek Cherkeh, Christof Wieschemann and Michael Kintrup (from left)

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