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How it benefits my drugstore:

Present changes bring no improvement to the status of drugstores.

Apotheker haben sich von der Gesundheitsreform mehr erhofft
Apotheker haben sich von der Gesundheitsreform mehr erhofft

Medical system revamping - How it benefits my drugstore:

Are we still seeing a drop in the number of pharmacies?

Back in 2009, there were over 21,458 pharmacies in the country. However, by 2022, this number had shrunk to just 18,068. Currently, Germany has around 22 pharmacies per 100,000 people. This is far below the European average of 32 pharmacies per 100,000 people.

"It's great to see that politics is focused on improving healthcare in both the ambulatory and stationary sectors," says Christian Splett from the Federal Association of German Pharmacists' Associations. "But pharmaceutical supply shouldn't be overlooked."

"We're dealing with numerous problems, such as repeated shortages of vital medications, technical issues associated with implementing electronic prescriptions nationwide, and a persistent lack of staff and specialists," Splett explains.

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