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How does it benefit me in psychological treatment?

Will the circumstances of individuals with mental illnesses improve?

Gesprächstherapien sind bei einer Vielzahl psychologischer Belastungen das Mittel erster Wahl
Gesprächstherapien sind bei einer Vielzahl psychologischer Belastungen das Mittel erster Wahl

Medical industry overhaul - How does it benefit me in psychological treatment?

Creating a "Need Planning Group" specifically for child and adolescent-focused psychotherapists is a necessary move. It's crucial, especially in Germany, to enhance the availability of psychological treatment for these patients. This is a positive step supported by the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists (BPtK), according to its president, Dr. Andrea Benecke. However, she also emphasized the need to address the mental health requirements of people in general, particularly in less developed regions.

The relevance of this measure is evident with the rising instances of autism among children. Based on a study from hkk health insurance, the number of such cases has doubled in the past few years. From 2013 to 2019, the percentage of youngsters diagnosed with autism rose from 0.4 to 0.8 percent.

These children and teenagers, unfortunately, often have to endure long wait times for therapy. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity for therapeutic interventions has surged by 40% among adults and skyrocketed by an astounding 60% for children and adolescents. Regrettably, the number of psychotherapist seats in health insurance schemes has remained stagnant. As a result, patients now face an average waiting time of five months.

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