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How Bauer struggled with the challenge.

Leon Bauer, a professional boxer, has been using a lot of ice lately. After winning a points match against Dominik Ameri at Motorworld Cologne, he has a swollen right hand and tingly left shoulder.

Junior world champion Leon Bauer's fight record: 21 (eleven knockouts), one draw
Junior world champion Leon Bauer's fight record: 21 (eleven knockouts), one draw

Fractured hand and shoulder from a punch. - How Bauer struggled with the challenge.

For the second time in Universum, the super middleweight participated in eight-round matches. Afterward, he expressed in the ring, "I'm completely unhappy with myself, 0.0."

Now we understand the reason: he had already injured his punching hand during the first round. From the fifth round onwards, the pain spread from his upper left arm to his shoulder.

Bauer's preparation for the fight was also inadequate. There was a move from the Palatinate to Karlsruhe, personal stress, and ultimately an infection. As a result, the junior world champion had to lose nine kilograms in just two days!

"It was terrible timing. But I had promised Ismail I would fight. I didn't want to tell him that night, afraid it would be seen as an excuse," says Bauer.

In retrospect, he admits, "I was in terrible shape. My energy was completely drained. It's also a form of validation when people are disappointed because I just win and don't amaze them."

Bauch's striking hand (bones, capsule) and shoulder (tendons) will now be thoroughly examined. He plans to heal his aches and pains over the summer - in the autumn, he and promoter Ismail Özen-Otto (43) are aiming for a championship fight. Either at the "Universum Boxing Night 13" in September, or in November as part of the large WBC convention in Hamburg.

Leon Bauer's punching hand is thickly swollen

Özen-Otto also comments: "We're on the right track."

After turning away from YouTuber fights and returning to traditional boxing, the event in Cologne was the most stunning so far: up to 150,000 spectators watched online!

Hopefuls Jose Larduet (34) and Mourad Aliev (28) continued to climb the rankings with powerhouse wins. The climactic heavyweight fight between Hussein Muhamed (33, Cologne) and Ali Kiydin (32, Frankfurt) evolved into a ring war. The audience was thrilled. In the end, Muhamed won on points.

Özen-Otto: "I haven't experienced a mood like this in a long time."

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