in a critical condition, the patient underwent an urgent operation. - Hospitalized Mannheim stabbing victim shares updates.
A 25-year-old Afghan man attacked Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger (59) with a combat knife. During the commotion, the knife wielder wounded five more individuals, and was subsequently shot by a law enforcement officer. Sadly, a police officer who was stabbed in the back of the head is in critical condition. The following day, the seriously injured Michael Stürzenberger reached out to the hospital.
In a message on the platform "Telegram" to his 7,300 followers, the 59-year-old stated that the two-and-a-half-hour procedure at the clinic went smoothly. Stürzenberger: "Deep gratitude towards all the doctors, surgeons, additional medical personnel, and nurses. And to all the law enforcement officers and guards of the BPE, who courageously faced the antagonist. I hope that the policeman with the neck wound and all the other injured people recover soon."

The former CSU press spokesman and Islam critic, who was also included in the Constitutional Protection Report (Constitutional Protection Relevant Islamophobia) for nine years, attended the Citizens' Movement Pax Europa (BPE) demonstration on the market square in Mannheim during the afternoon. His intention was to educate others from 12 to 6 p.m. as per the event's announcement.

As a live stream was already streaming the event's commencement, the Afghan Sulaiman A. (25) rushed toward the politician, assaulted him with a knife. The young man, who wore glasses, sweatpants, and a full beard, repeatedly stabbed Stürzenberger with the blade, causing severe wounds on his thigh and face.

Next, the assailant aimed at other individuals at the stand, surprised a police officer from behind, and rammed the knife into his head and neck - a life-threatening scenario! Moments later, a colleague shot the Afghan with his service weapon.

For hours, doctors have been working to save the life of the young officer. Forensic experts and officers from the criminal commission have been collecting evidence on the market square since then.

As per "Spiegel" reports, the motive for the attack was presumed to be religious by the investigators initially.
Finally, on "Telegram," the 59-year-old addresses his wounded colleagues: "Wishing a speedy recovery also for Moritz, who received a stab wound in the leg and underwent a two-hour operation, and Paul, who sustained an arm injury and lost a considerable amount of blood. He bravely pushed the supposed Afghan Muslim away from me. Without Paul, the outcome could have been much worse."
The native Bavarian concluded: "Wishing a swift recovery also for our 1,000er Rainer, who also sustained knife wounds. My thanks also go to Moni, who, as a nurse, once again performed commendably and bandaged my bleeding wounds in first aid. This was an incredibly crucial measure. It could have turned out much worse today."