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Hospital updates on wilderness-dwelling duo.

During those hours, they cling tightly. Grateful for their good fortune, jungle camp personalities Leyla Lahouar (27) and Mike Heiter (31) shared a heartfelt photo on Instagram following their auto accident on Saturday night.

Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter became lovers after this year's jungle camp - the shock of the...
Leyla Lahouar and Mike Heiter became lovers after this year's jungle camp - the shock of the accident has now brought them even closer together

Leyla and Mike encountered a severe car collision. - Hospital updates on wilderness-dwelling duo.

Great news for their supporters! They had been anxiously waiting for an update.

Leyla and Mike shared a message on their social media accounts, "We've spent the night in the hospital but we're doing alright. We'll keep you updated later on. Thanks for the well wishes!"

"I'm not sure where Mike is!"

The scene of the accident in Essen

Buddy Paco also let everyone know on Instagram, "Leyla and Mike are both okay and receiving great care. They'll be reaching out soon." Despite his assurance, fans were still uneasy, especially with Leyla's tearful post from the hospital, "I can't find Mike, I hope he's with me soon. (...) Please pray that he'll be by my side soon and that everything is fine."

With a neck brace and tears in her eyes, Leyla shared on Instagram on Saturday evening that her boyfriend Mike and she had been in an accident

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